Leading Math Specialist since 2010

Over the last decade, we have witnessed our students’ growth and academic success, which is a testament to the effectiveness of our approach. 

Only Certified Tuition Partner of onSponge

Established in 2008, onSponge is known for its series of math problem sum workbooks marketed under its flagship brand ‘+hinkingMath’ these are adopted annually by more than 100 primary schools in Singapore. Oodles Learning is proud to be the only brand that is endorsed by onSponge for its line of programmes including PopsicleMath, +hinkingMath and PaceUP.

Low Coach-to-Student Ratio

At Oodles Learning, we maintain a low coach-to-student ratio, ensuring personalised attention and support. With class sizes limited to 10 students, our coaches actively engage in "Coach Walkabouts" during classwork sessions to address individual needs and provide immediate feedback on progress.

Proven Results

When students join Oodles Learning, their math scores typically range from 40 to 80 marks. Through our structured approach and proven strategies, the majority of our students show significant improvement, gaining the skills and confidence needed to excel in PSLE Math.

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